Saturday, February 11, 2012

Captain Big Bones

Thank you to Tacoma Weekly
Matt Nagle for this image!

Who We Are

We are a Tacoma non-profit organization of old scuffs and young lads and lassies sponsored by "Captain Big Bones" aka Dennis Robinson of Longshore fame and his fair mate " Lady Diana." (Lady Diana stays on the shore but Cap't BB keeps her handkerchief close to his heart!) We go to numerous events around the Puget Sound to entertain and support children and the young at heart! Our main events are, the Jr. Daffodil Parade, Tall Ships, Proctor District Halloween Celebration, Pirates of the Puget Sound, Tacoma Waterfront, Titlow Beach Tacoma Metro Parks and Many Others. We meet at Joeseppi's Restaurant in North Tacoma Please contact us for more information and volunteer opportunities...arrrgggggh!